Take Full Charge of Your Money, Time and Misery
With ThePlan™, you will manage accidents, disasters and insurance claims, so they won't manage you!
Insurers & their Agents say, "Just call us and we will take care of everything."
They tell you this, not because they care about you or that they are going to help you to recover both physically and financially. To the contrary, consumers are systematically trained to do what is best for the insurers. Never the Victims. They owe you restitution dollars and insurers must manage you to save them money.
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Before you learn the hard way how difficult is is to fully recover what any insurer may owe you, – you need a plan! They have tricks; we will show you tactics and strategies to protect yourself and fight back.
ThePlan is here to protect your time, grief and assets.
ThePlan is how to manage fire damage, water damage, car damage or a personal injury claim, from beginning to end. ThePlan will supply you with support services, tools and quality information to help you prevent, manage and recover from un-planned catastrophes and disasters.
ThePlan will show which insurance companies to choose before you buy (and which to stay away from).
Take a look at all the benefits and FAQ's to see what we can do for you!