The Rules of the Insurance Claim Game
The insurance game is played between two Parties, Buyers and Sellers. Below are the Top Ten rules which insurance Buyers must understand and then comply with to play the insurance game.
The insurance game is played between two Parties, Buyers and Sellers. Below are the Top Ten rules which insurance Buyers must understand and then comply with to play the insurance game.
Auto glass replacement is high on the repair list in accidents. According to the I-CAR Reference Manual, uni-body vehicles are engineered to protect passengers during crashes, i.e. passenger safety is the key element in automobile design. Vehicle manufacturers intentionally build …
Special Online discount insurance applications will never save you money on your home or vehicle. Discount insurers never provide you with the right coverage for YOU. Everybody needs different coverage. Use the Request for Proposal below, to get all of the …
When it’s time to purchase insurance, most homeowners simply compare the prices between companies or worse allow a salesman to pick a company for them. Like anything else, you get what you pay for. The cost of any insurance policy …
How to Intelligently Buy A Homeowner’s Insurance Policy Read more »
Insurance Rights of the Consumer You may take, and be fully compensated for, the reasonable cost of emergency services to safeguard your property from further damage after a loss. In fact, after a loss, you have the obligation …
We have some awesome stuff in our blog. But the best content is the stuff you can only see as a member. If you are a member then this is where you will see all your educational bulletins. If not then …
Big insurance companies have big defense teams on their side to protect their interest first and yours last the minute you need to recover from an accident or disaster. Big insurance companies brag about ‘AAA’ ratings of financial strength, but guess what? They …
When you suffer any form of disaster, can you trust the insurer to pay you all you are entitled quickly or will your grief be extended and your life be put on hold until you learn that recovery is not simple and takes …
Although most people refer to insurance agents as “my agent” nothing could be further from the truth. Unless you are the owners of an insurance company, you cannot have an insurance agent. Only insurance companies can. Insurance agents work for …
5 things that you need to know about your Commissioned Insurance Agent Read more »