About ThePlan

Why Join?

With ThePlan™, you will manage insurance so insurance will not manage you!

For $89 a year, less than a quarter a day, you can be educated to manage your insurance. A commission agent may be your best friend, but he doesn’t pay the claim. The Adjuster’s job is to claw back as much as they can. It could cost you tens of thousands and ruin your life. By joining, you will receive quality info that will provide protection to you, your family, your property, and your income.


How to beat The Claim Game

Big insurance companies have big defense teams on their side to protect their interest first and yours last, once you need to recover from an accident or disaster. They brag about ‘AAA’ ratings of financial strength, but guess what? They get those by keeping money, not by handing it out to claimants. Forget those “we care” slogans because their adjusters sing a different song….. Become a member to View the rest of this article on the blog

Grief Relief

When you suffer any form of disaster, can you trust the insurer to pay you all you are entitled quickly or will your grief be extended and your life be put on hold until you learn that recovery is not simple and takes its toll on your nerves, time and finances? For centuries, insurance consumers like you have been trained by their insurers to go directly to them when seeking claims assistance….. Become a member to View the rest of this article on the blog