Why should I become a member?

  • Because you want to make right decisions today – and enjoy tomorrow.
  • Because you want to know you did all you could and took advantage of all that was available to you.
  • Because you want to avoid looking back and admitting that you could have fastened that seat belt.
  • Because you know that you’re just one David up against the Goliaths – without clout.
  • Because for you, this is the best financial and risk reduction program available in the entire world.
  • Because the $89.00 annual membership fee is a drop in the bucket when you look at the benefits.

 Why can’t I get this from “my” Insurance Agent?

For several reasons, the first is that you don’t have an insurance agent. If you did have an insurance agent, he or she would be referred to as a Consumer’s Agent.

Consumers do not have insurance agents. Only insurance companies do. In spite of what you have been trained to believe, insurance agents work exclusively for insurance companies, not for consumers. Moreover, they are legally bound to protect the interest of the insurance company…not yours. (Advertising executives created the term, MY AGENT to make the purchase of insurance more friendly.)

This is the mission and purpose of The Consumer’s Action Plan. Members have a Consumer’s Agent to represent and to truly protect their interests.