The Rules of the Insurance Claim Game
The insurance game is played between two Parties, Buyers and Sellers. Below are the Top Ten rules which insurance Buyers must understand and then comply with to play the insurance game.
The insurance game is played between two Parties, Buyers and Sellers. Below are the Top Ten rules which insurance Buyers must understand and then comply with to play the insurance game.
Fact 1. Insurance is commission driven. Agents cannot earn commissions by teaching you the odds of unwanted things happening or how to manage a crisis. The livelihood of insurance agents depends solely on how much premium they can generate, not …
Although most people refer to insurance agents as “my agent” nothing could be further from the truth. Unless you are the owners of an insurance company, you cannot have an insurance agent. Only insurance companies can. Insurance agents work for …
5 things that you need to know about your Commissioned Insurance Agent Read more »